Monday, February 23, 2009

Viritual Tour Activity

LocationActivityGoogle Earth Content
Sylvan Lake, ColoradoStudents will discuss and come to an agreement with their partner at the type of water located at this location.Panorama
Atlantic OceanStudents will discuss and come to an agreement with their partner at the type of water located at this location.
At this location, students will predict how much of the Earth's water is stored in the oceans. They will note this on their organizer.
Ocean Layer- State of the Ocean. Locate the Valse ocean bouy, and follow the link to the NOAA website.
Click on Explore Oceans
AntarcticaStudents will discuss and come to an agreement with their partner at the type of water located at this location.
Students will explain why ice forms at this place in the earth. Is there any reason why there would be an over abundance of ice here?
Arctic Sea Ice Extension
Ben Nevis, ScotlandStudents will discuss and come to an agreement with their partner at the type of water located at this location.
Answer the following question-
Ben Nevis is known as one of the cloudiest places on Earth. What makes up a cloud, and predict how it affects this area.
Wikipedia- the section about 'climate'.
A Polygon Tool

Fourth Grade Science-
Standard 1: Students will understand that water changes state as it moves through the
water cycle.
Objective 2: Describe the water cycle.
c. Identify locations that hold water as it passes through the water cycle (e.g., oceans,
atmosphere, fresh surface water, snow, ice, and ground water).

  • What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
    I will be using information about the different stages of water. This includes ice, vapor and liquid. I also want to differentiate between potable and non-potable water. This lesson will rely heavily on student's prior knowledge as it will be an introductory lesson to the water cycle.
  • What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
    I will be using self-discovery. The students have enough information to get bored quickly, but I want them to see if they can learn more then what they already to. My questions (as part of the activities) have them stretching their knowledge. I hope to scaffold them so they are ready for a unit on the water cycle.
  • What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
    I will be using Google earth. This is a good fit because it will give students a better idea of all of the stages of water, and how it occurs over the entire world. It will help them experience more.

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